Kate Gamble's Blog

Kate Gamble : Internet Junkie

The guys at RegMe seem to know what they are doing with the sports industry for equestrians in Aussie. This site lets people login and register for equestrian events online. Its a nice site with an easy login page and very neat search engine that lets you narrow down what your looking for - showjumping, NSW in my case which sadly did not bring up anything - not that i can ride at the moment anyway with all the flu and what not... Hopefully the end to end features of getting your drawn order are as user friendly as the search? Have not tried it yet but any feedback is welcome.

Perhaps when the NSW equestrian industry gets back on their feet (no doubt when the NSW riders get back on their horses..) we will see lots more shows electing to have the hard work of registrations performed by sites like regme... It might save some volunteers some time and energy! I wonder what the revenue system behind the site is?