On our last day in Salivdor Lex and I orginised to go to Morro de São Paulo, an island 272 km (or 2 hours by boat) off the coast of Salvidor. We nicknamed it Paradise after the great 24 hours we had!
The boat ride was lovely, with beautiful clear waters and blue sky's for as far as the eye could see... sadly this meant that after the lack of sleep we had been suffering from, both me and lex nodded off. At one stage we dabbed on some sun screen but alas, not nearly enough and tan lines formed that only weeks of sun baking Brazilian style could remove...
The town was so cute; gorgeous wooden buildings and roads made from sand. The only transportation allowed where the "wheelbarrow taxis", but you could easily walk from one end to the other. The island has 4 beaches called Beach 1, Beach 2, Beach 3 and Beach 4.... Original - but it sounds more exotic in Portuguese!

After finding some seriously budget accommodation (AUD$10 for the night) we relaxed on sun beds at the lovely beach drinking coconuts and eating Ashi. YUM!
That night we met up with the twins from De Jah Groove, and there travailing mates for a great night of seafood dinners and drinking cocktails! The place we had dinner was hosting a huge party and people from all over the Island came to party till dawn!

After we had danced our legs off, and everyone was well hammered, we all sat on the beach and watched the sun rise, then the twins Harley and Del grabbed the guitars and we kicked back to listen to some of the best music of the night... these guys rock, if you get a chance to see them - and they tour all the time in Aus - don't miss out!

The sad part came when it was time to leave and the hangovers from the night before had begun to form... suddenly the ferry port - a mere 10 min walk - seemed very far away, and the possibility of making the boat at 9.30am seemed very slim. We began to walk. But our pace was so slow, and the option of staying so powerfully drawing, it was the longest walk ever.

Somewhere along the beach Lex lagged behind... When i reached the port and she wasn't there I worried... because here was the catch.. we had a flight leaving that day at 1pm. Work it out folks, 2 hours on a ferry, get back to the hostel, grab bags and pomie boys (Simon and Chris) and a half hour cab ride to the airport... where we going to spend another few days in Salvidor after all??

We made it, just in a nick of time though!
We both truly believe that if we had not made that ferry we might still be on that island today...
Saying goodbye to Paradise...